Unicoil Products are Approved by Many Governmental and Private Bodies and Institutions
Quality Marks
UNICOIL’s quality policy is a reflection of its commitment to earn the trust and satisfaction of its customers. The quality system at UNICOIL ensures strict adherence to both international and national standards, and UNICOIL is accredited with the following quality marks: Saudi Quality Mark (Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization), EQM (Emirates Quality Mark, from The Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology [EASM]), and JQM (Jordanian Quality Mark, from the Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization [JSMO]). UNICOIL quality system aims to achieve excellence by adopting a continual improvement approach. In recognition of its efforts, UNICOIL achieved ISO 9001 certification in 2003 and has maintained a clean record through all of its operations. UNICOIL is highly customer-focused and is aware of the needs of its customers in terms of quality, service, and aspirations. UNICOIL has a team of highly qualified people with international exposure who can respond quickly to customers making contact and provide outstanding customer service. The UNICOIL laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art test equipment for assuring conformance with all statutory and customer requirements. The Research and Development wing of UNICOIL is continually developing new products and also assists UNICOIL customers in investigating failures. UNICOIL carries out long-term performance tests to ensure the longevity of the products it provides to its customers.
Member of International Associations
UNICOIL is an active member of various reputed institutions specializing in galvanized and prepainted steel coils and sheets. These institutions support members by providing information about the latest developments in steel and coating technologies and product application trends via scientific videos, technical literature, and by organizing periodic meetings for exchanging knowledge, market information, and changes in regulations related to the business or product that serves in the best interests of UNICOIL and its customers.

National Committee for Steel Industry (NCSI)
Emanated from the Council of Saudi Chambers in 2015 to oversee the activities and directions of this strategic industry and to play a key role towards achieving Saudi Vision 2030, NCSI is a non-profit body and its members are the leaders of Saudi steel industry.