UNICOIL emphasizes the safety of its employees and visitors. From the time of entering the premises, UNICOIL ensures safety of its employees and visitors by implementing various rules and safety procedures.
Although it prepares for any safety-related eventuality, UNICOIL believes that prevention is better than cure. UNICOIL provide tools for educating both its employees and visitors about safety awareness.
Safety Newsletter
A safety newsletter covering different topics is released weekly to UNICOIL employees. This newsletter provides vital information regarding the health and work-related safety awareness of the employees to keep them safe and physically healthy, together with a weather forecast.
Safety Handbook
A safety handbook and leaflets are provided to both employees and visitors for guidance and other information. This handbook contains the minimum safety rules applicable to employees, visitors, students, and contractors performing work within and visiting UNICOIL facilities.
Note: UNICOIL welcomes visitors to its facilities. To arrange a visit, please contact concern for more information.