As a part of its manufacturing responsibility, the activities of UNICOIL that support sustainability are listed below: UNICOIL installed an acid regenerating facility to recover the spent hydrochloric acid for reuse in the pickling line, which results in a cleaner environment and conservation of natural resources. UNICOIL has a state-of-the-art waste-water treatment facility to treat the waste water generated from the various industrial processes used in the manufacture of its products. This facility ensures that the company complies with the Royal Commission standards for disposal.

UNICOIL’s facilities adhere to strict conservation principles
UNICOIL uses fuel-efficient burners and heat-recovery recuperators in the furnace on the galvanizing line to conserve the fuel natural resources. The natural-gas consumption by the UNICOIL galvanizing line is comparable to best practice in the industry worldwide. UNICOIL is installing a paint thermal control system for reducing the solvents used in painting process, thus helping in reducing the emission of volatile organic compounds into the environment. This system will be in operation by January 2016. UNICOIL is replacing the existing conventional thermal oxidizer with a state-of-the-art regenerative thermal oxidizer in order to reduce the consumption of natural gas, which is a nonrenewable resource. UNICOIL has installed sensor-based water faucets for reducing water consumption and is working on other methods for optimizing this throughout the company.
UNICOIL in Cooperation with “SANAD”, Working Together
Towards Lead Free Kids for a Healthy Future
Universal Metal Coating Company Limited (UNICOIL) continued its ongoing social awareness campaigns, which started nearly 4 years ago to warn against the hazards of unsafe use of lead in paints and coated metal products, and lead poisoning, which causes many chronic diseases, suffered by children under 6 years of age. In this context, UNICOIL signed a cooperation agreement with SANAD Children’s Cancer Support Association in Saudi Arabia to launch a coordinated awareness campaign warning against the hazards of lead, by circulating specific guidelines and instructions based on studies approved by international organizations.
Sanad Charitable Association was registered in the Ministry of Social Affairs on 1-12-1423 H. corresponding 2-2-2003 G. and it is a non-profitable charitable association. Its aim is to support centers of children cancer in the Kingdom with all needed from financial and in-kind resources and provide social and shelter services to the patients and their needy families after conducting the field research; as well as prepare educating and learning programs to patients and their families about children cancer disease and how to deal with it.
International Lead Poisoning Awareness Week
As Part of its Social Responsibility – UNICOIL Supports National Social Institutions Towards Safe-Society from Lead Hazards. From 23 to 29 October 2016 the international lead poisoning prevention week of action will take place, with a particular focus on eliminating lead paint.
Best Environmental Performance Award
UNICOIL is awarded “Best Environmental Performance Award” for the 2 consecutive year from the Jubail Royal Commission for its efforts during 2015, in a function held on June 5, 2016 on the occasion of World Environmental Day celebrations. UNICOIL earned this award through its continuous efforts in the protection of the internal environment of the company and its ongoing awareness campaigns to protect the environment and public health of the community.
As part of its social responsibility, UNICOIL has carried out a huge educational campaign to provide information to all of the relevant agencies and the public at large about the effects of lead in paint and zinc on human health. UNICOIL has also campaigned for the relevant regulatory agencies to introduce mandatory upper limits on the lead concentrations in paint and zinc; it is hoped that these efforts will bear fruit soon.
Recycling is a way of life at UNICOIL
UNICOIL emphasizes the segregation and recycling of waste materials. Bins are placed at different locations around UNICOIL for allowing different waste materials to be separated into recyclable and non recyclable types.
The UNICOIL management believes that the company and its employees benefit in being close to nature, and so has developed a green landscape at its manufacturing facility. Close to 25% of the open areas of UNICOIL facility have been converted into a natural green landscape. UNICOIL feels proud that birds are attracted to these large green landscapes, and bird feeders ensure that they will also enjoy their visit to UNICOIL. Besides its care for and commitment to its external environment, UNICOIL is continuously developing its internal environment with the aim of providing a physical internal atmosphere that is conducive to the growth of its workforce.
Having an outdoor water fountain helps people to unwind and relax after long-working day. The soothing sound of water provides stress-reducing benefit, customers love it, birds love it and it is a natural bird feeder, people’s brains and bodies love it. It is even a “Feng Shui” Chinese are of spatial arrangements which means “Wind and Water”
Creating a conducive physical work environment is a part of UNICOIL’s commitment.
In terms of employees safety & health regulations, temperature thermometer are located on every control room that gives the current temperature so workers will take the appropriate caution once the temperature goes higher than safe limits. As part of this care and commitment, UNICOIL invests in the maintenance of a green and fresh landscape outside its administration offices and plant, believing that proximity to nature will keep the minds and spirits of its employees fresh.

In line with its clean and green vision, UNICOIL’s landscape is refreshing and invigorating
Away from the traditional industrial atmosphere, UNICOIL’s admin. Uses glorious lights at night.
Night time view showing the UNICOIL building and Plant